More Comps. More Free Play. More Cash Back.
Official Advantage Card Program Rules
- The Advantage Card Loyalty Program (“program”) is exclusive to Coushatta Casino Resort (“CCR”). The program is designed to build patron loyalty with offers and benefits assigned to specific card levels attainable by satisfying specific requirements, and/or conditions outlined in the rules. A patron, who enrolls in the program and/or uses a card issued under the program, agrees to the rules outlined below and consents to these rules governing their participation in the program.
- Membership in the program is free but voided where prohibited or restricted by law.
- To enroll in the program a person must meet the following requirements and conditions.
- Must be at least 21 years of age.
- Must provide a valid government issued form of identification.
- Photocopies or facsimiles of identification is not acceptable.
- Acceptable forms of government issued identification
- Valid United States or Canadian driver’s license.
- State issued Identification Card
- Military ID or dependent ID card
- Passport
- If a patron is not a U.S. citizen, then a permanent resident (Green Card, or Alien Registration Card) is required or a passport.
- No other forms of identification will be accepted
- Falsification of any information as it applies to these rules, an Advantage Card, the program at-large or an individual’s affiliation with CCR and/or its subsidiaries may result in ineligibility.
- Card levels are assigned to customers based on the number of Advantage Points (“points”) generated during the earnings period. Card level requirements are determined by management. Each assignment of a new card level is at the discretion of management. Patrons acknowledge that card levels are issued as a discretionary award by CCR and they are not entitled to have access to any club benefit or reward. CCR may exclude any patron from the card program or from a specific tier at management’s discretion.
- Advantage Points used to calculate card levels are generated based on the following rules.
- Slot games below the $1 denomination are earned at a rate of 1 tier point for every two dollars bet.
- Slot games above the $1 denomination are earned at a rate of 1 tier point for every three dollars bet.
- Video Poker games or other games of skill are earned at a rate of 1 tier point for every four dollars bet.
- Table games generates tier points based on an internal calculation based on average bet, time played, and type of game.
- Tier point calculations are subject to change with or without notice at management’s sole discretion. Subject to Gaming Commission approval.
- Coushatta Advantage Card Levels and minimum qualifications
- Advantage Card: no points required, no minimum qualification
- Select Card: 25,000 tier points
- VIP Select Card: 125,000 tier points
- Minimum Qualifications can be altered at any time with or without notification based on management’s discretion. Subject to Gaming Commission approval.
- Patrons are responsible for inserting their loyalty card into the electronic gaming devices to register their play, and generate tier points. Patrons are responsible for informing a table games floor supervisor, or member of tables management that they would like to be rated. Patrons are also responsible for informing table games management to close their ratings. CCR and/or its management is not required to make adjustments to the players’ tier point account. It may do so only at its discretion. Malfunctions, system errors, software errors do not obligate CCR to make adjustments.
- Tier points may take up to 48 hours to appear in a Patron’s account under normal business conditions. Malfunctions, system errors, system upgrades, or mechanical failures may cause any calculation based reward to be delayed indefinitely.
- Only one (1) member per account is permitted. Membership and rewards are for the sole use of the person listed on the account and a member may not allow any other person to use their card or access their account. Program cards are non-transferable, benefits are non-transferable, and personalized benefits and/or awards are confidential.
- Persons who have opted into any gaming regulatory or Property self-limit or self-exclusion program or have been excluded by a government program or agency or by CCR are not eligible to participate in the program and forfeit all rights to any and all benefits, rewards, implied rewards, and offers. Patrons in this classification acknowledge that all CCR will remove them from any targeted marketing communications.
- Patrons who have been excluded from the property, or declined service by CCR based on the management’s determination also forfeit all rights to any and all current or future benefits, rewards, implied rewards, and offers.
- Program benefits other than tier points and card levels:
- Comp Cash
- Comp Cash is a promotional bucket that allows patrons to purchase non-gaming related services at CCR. Comp Cash is a non-cashable bucket, has no dollar value, and is designed to provide complimentary services and goods to the Patron as a reward for their loyalty and play.
- The calculation to determine Comp Cash is confidential and is not made public by CCR. The calculation maybe changed at any time with or without notification and maybe modified or suspended at management’s discretion. Subject to Gaming Commission approval.
- Comp Cash cannot be redeemed for cash, or free play, or any form of downloadable credit. It is only available at retail, food, and hotel outlets.
- Incentive Cash
- Incentive Cash is a promotional bucket that allows patrons to enhance their casino experience with additional cash back or downloadable credits based on their rated play at slots and table games.
- The calculation to determine Incentive Cash is confidential and is not made public by CCR. The calculation maybe changed at any time with or without notification and maybe modified or suspended at management’s discretion. Subject to Gaming Commission approval.
- Incentive Cash maybe redeemable for a cash back voucher at the Coushatta Advantage Center. The voucher may be converted to cash at a cashier booth inside the casino. Vouchers once issued deduct the appropriate amount from the Incentive Cash promotional bucket. Lost vouchers cannot be replaced. It is the patron’s exclusive responsibility to handle the voucher once issued. Each voucher is unique and copies or any other facsimile will not be honored.
- Management retains the right to decline issuance of cash vouchers. Management retains the right to deduct from the incentive cash bucket as a resolution to a dispute, or as compensation for property damage caused by the patron. Deduction form the Incentive Cash bucket for the above reasons does not limit CCR’s right to seek criminal and/or civil penalties, nor to engage the appropriate lawful authorities.
- Incentive Cash may also be downloaded credits at each slot machine (“free play”).
- Free Play maybe downloaded in $1 increments and will credit the electronic gaming device in the appropriate denomination of the game. Minimum Free Play must be the minimum denomination of the game; partial credit is not issued. The Slot Department will adjudicate any disputes regarding free play at the electronic gaming device. Management retains all rights in the dispute. Patron’s acknowledge the final authority of the slot department representative or management in resolving any dispute.
- Targeted Offers
- CCR may at times use information derived from cards issued by the program to mail, email, text, or telephone specific offers to a patron. Targeted offers are based on the patron’s prior history of activity at CCR and are extended as time sensitive promotions.
- Patrons acknowledge that these targeted offers are promotional in nature, maybe canceled or modified at any time with or without notification. Targeted offers are not earned benefits of the program but constitute enticements and issued at the discretion of management.
- Errors in printing, communications, or media does not create an obligation upon CCR to honor those errors. A targeted offer issued erroneously may not be honored by CCR, in the case of a dispute the correct offer maybe issued to the patron based on the campaign logic of the offer.
- Comp Cash
- Unless otherwise prohibited by law, CCR reserves the right to:
- Forfeit comp cash, incentive cash, and any other promotional bucket after twelve months of inactivity; whereas, inactivity is defined as no gaming activity during the proscribed period of time.
- Review and verify at any time for any purpose the accumulation of tier points, and all promotional buckets.
- Revoke membership in the program and any associated benefits for any reason at any time with or without notice.
- Suspend or revoke membership in the program and all associated benefits if a patron defaults on credit obligations with CCR or any affiliate.
- Restrict specific slot machines, table games, electronic games of skill, live poker, OTB, or any future undefined form of gaming from generating tier points, promotional bucket rewards, or downloading free play or any other marketing incentive.
- Adjust account status, tier points, promotional bucket balances resulting from any malfunction, computer errors, operator errors, misuse and/or fraud.
- Upon the death of a member all current benefits are suspended. Tier point accumulations, promotional bucket amounts are adjusted to zero.
- Management retains the right on a case by case basis to transfer accumulated promotional bucket balances to a spouse upon presentation of a state issued death certificate.
- Patron discrepancies must be brought to the attention of an Advantage Center employee within 24 Hours of the discrepancy to allow for proper investigation.
- CCR retains the right to modify or update these rules at any time. Please refer to CCRLA.COM for the most current and applicable rules.
- Patrons enrolled in the program are responsible for any and all applicable taxes and other fees.
- Program benefits may be;
- Restricted to US residents only
- Made available for use only in the US
- Make subject to other use restrictions or conditions
- Upon Management’s determination that a patron was denied a proper benefit from the program, the exclusive remedy shall be the issuance of the improperly denied benefit if available, or a comparable benefit as determined by CCR.
- Patron’s participating in the program shall indemnify and hold harmless CCR, including its subsidiaries, employees, officers, directors, and agents against any damage, loss, claim or liability arising from the program. Patron in the program agrees that the CCR assume no liability of any kind for any property loss or damage or personal injury occurring in connection with any prizes, promotions, and use of the property.
- Unless otherwise prohibited or restricted by law, or otherwise stated, patrons participating in the program consent to:
- Allowing CCR to contact the patron at the mailing address provided by the patron and maintained in the patron tracking software.
- Allowing CCR to contact the patron through text messaging using telephone SMS, or any other linked, or social media based messaging system maintained in the patron tracking software.
- Allowing CCR to contact the patron through the telephone number provided by the patron and maintained in our player tracking system.
- Allowing CCR to contact the patron though the email address or addresses provided by the patron and maintained in the patron tracking software.
- Patrons automatically are opted in to all forms of communication.
- Patrons may opt out of any particular form of communication.
- Participating in the program grants CCR, including its subsidiaries/affiliates, permission to use the Patron’s name, photograph, and likeness in connection with the advertising and promotion of CCR’s products, in any manner and in any medium, without additional compensation, at management’s sole discretion, shall deem appropriate or desirable. Participants irrevocably consent to the unrestricted use, in perpetuity, for purposes including, but not limited to, display, advertising, sale and trade, and including any alterations or modifications whatsoever of said photograph, including the negatives and prints made there from and by CCR, its employees, agents, customers, successors, and assigns forever.
- Participants waive any right, which they may otherwise have, to inspect or approve the photographs or prints made from the negative thereof, with respect to:
- Any alterations or modifications, any material or commentary,
- Any publication using the name of the undersigned, no name, or fictitious name, and use for the purpose of publicity, illustration, commercial art and
- Any advertising of products or services.
- Benefits or rewards of the program are non-transferable and without limitation may not be sold, traded, bartered or otherwise transferred. Any direct marketed benefit or offer is considered a benefit of the program and fall within the same restrictions.
- A Patron may not accrue program benefits by distributing their card to other patrons. Permitting another patron to use your card is strictly prohibited and is grounds for revocation of program participation and all accrued and/or future benefits.
- Any misuse of the card or improper play as determined by CCR in its sole discretion may result in the forfeiture of program benefits and may result in the cancellation of a Patrons participate in the program.
- Gambling problem? CCR cares about the welfare of its guests and encourages players to play responsibly and only within their means. If gambling is causing you to experience financial problems or problems with your personal, family or professional life, help is just a phone call away at 1-800-522-4700.